Resilient Leader – Module 5
Enhance how we manage our own mood, emotions, stress and workload
triggers of pleasant emotions

default behavioural outcomes

- Triggers of pleasant emotions – see first image from page 54 add here
- Default behavioural outcomes – see second image from page 54 add here
- Triggers of unpleasant emotions – see image from page 55 add here
- Default behaviours outomes – see image from page 55 add here
triggers of unpleasant emotions

default behavioural outcomes

DEFAULT | Associated behaviour |
‘Attacker’ | Come out charging, the best defence for a strong emotion is to go on the attack of others; bluster a way through the emotion of the situation. |
‘Victim’ | Become overwhelmed by the emotion; over-generalise the situation as a never-ending pattern; pick out, magnify and dwellon the emotion. |
‘Avoider’ | Withdraw from situation; deny or discount the situation or interaction; emotionally close down during difficult interactions or situations. |
‘Hero’ | Refuse to ask others for help; be unwilling to let go; become patronising of others, especially when unsure of how they are feeling. |
‘Super’ | Use innuendos to trigger distracting emotions in others; engage in playful teasing, not-too-subtle remarks, non-verbal and behavioural attacks. |
‘Judge’ | Adopt a tone of absolute certainty and sureness beyond reasonable doubt; justify own position as the ‘right’ one, discount others’ perspectives. |
‘Saboteur’ | Find fault with everything but seldom offer a useful solution; aim to influence others to feel the same; spread rumours about issues. |
‘Pollyanna’ | Unrealistically optimistic; demonstrate a strong positivist bias, be unable to recognise the downside of situations; fail to identify emotional problems. |
‘Fortune Teller’ | Jump to unsupported conclusions; predict outcomes without evidence, decide on others’ perspectives without confirming; catastrophist. |
‘Super-agreeable’ | Always reasonable and sincere, but unauthentic; leave others thinking you agreed only for the sake of peace. |
‘Child’ | Report shortcomings of others; fail to take responsibility for own actions; defer decisions to others; impulsive; prone to whingening. |
‘Gloomy Gus’ | Discount the positive; hyper-pessimistic; exaggerate issues; discount own and others’ qualities; the ultimate pessimist or devil’s advocate. |
If we know our own default behaviour is there anything we can do to adapt and change to result in a more positive outcome?
Take a minute to think about what your impact behaviour would be rather than react – take a pause and reflect before responding. Think about the two ‘R’s’ and don’t react, reflect and then respond.
Strategies for resilience
Thinking Strategies: one of the most effective ways of managing emotions is to think about emotions from a different perspective
- Create boundaries for yourself. Set aside thinking time for yourself in work
- Reducing how often you tune into news/social media
- Gratitude reflections
- Diarising thinking and reflection time
- Perspective taking
Physiological Strategies: our physiology can have an impact on the way we feel and manage stress – exerecise, diet, sleep and other activities can help us mange emotions more effectively.
- Sleeping better
- Drink less alcohol and caffeine
- Improve diet
- Exercise – most days (even if this is going for a walk)
- Mindfulness meditation (smiling mind)
Relationship Strategies: connecting and sharing with others provides us with the opportunity to express and explore our feelings and get someone else input or support for them.
- Relationship improvement (goal setting/actions)
- Staying connected with people, structure regular check in times
- Getting involved in network groups, conferences and industry events
- Leaning into conflict/difficult conversations
Environmental Strategies: connecting and sharing with others provides us with the opportunity to express and explore our feelings and get someone else input or support for them.
- Burning candle, playing music
- Structured times for emails and work calls.
- Management of calendar and sticking with it
- Doing something you love in the outdoors.
- Work life balance
- Doing things that move you emotionally – watching a film, going out for dinner etc
- Improving your work area – feeling more organised and making it a feel-good place to be
How can you enhance your psychological well being?
What can you start doing or stop doing?